Innovative Solutions Full Package 30-day FREE Trial

2-days launch, 30-day FREE trial. Boost leads, sales & CRM ALL-DONE-FOR-YOU

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We Scaled:

EUR/MONTH under our
AD management
New high quality leads generated every month

We create an ecosystem where your patients feel welcome and understood


We give you the opportunity to handle your entire online presence from one place (leads, sales, social media, ads, calendars, chats, and much more )

marketing strategies used in a different angle

Better way to catch butterflies is not to have a big net but a Prospering Garden

Get new clients on demand with predictability

We create an offer that generates hudreds of leads and convert 70-90% of them with our personilized follow up strategy

Personilized brand-awareness

Automated Email marketing and SMS marketing sequences to send out 1000´s of messages whenever you want

Control patient expectations and reputation management

Managing patient expectations and satisfaction from point 1 when they get interested in your service, providing support for your clients 24/7, helping them overcome their challenges, sending out review requests and ultimately boosting your companies´ credibility

Features & Benefits

Most Marketing Agencies

ICCONET Marketing Solutions

we scale clinics with our innovative marketing and personal touch

Client Acquisition

Generating a high quality lead is the first step in a funnel, converting them into a paying customer takes experience, time and a proven strategy

Undeniable Offer

We create an offer that gets clicks and a funnel
that qualifies people before becoming a lead
for your business.

Enhancing your offer with Scarcity, Urgency,
Bonuses will get
your hundreds of leads/month.

Automated Follow-Ups

We set-up and manage automated email
and sms sequences to follow up with your
leads until they are Ready-To-Pay.

We assign you with a trained sales person
who manually calls all of your leads
and converts them into paying clients.

The ICCONET Software

Manage your whole online marketing from 1 desktop and mobile APP.

Don't just take our word for it

Client Testimonials


Zuzka Mauerova - CEO

Icconet have created marketing strategies that are effective, and also progressive. In today's competitive environment, creativity is the key. Icconet demonstrates its creative powers by coming up with fresh, innovative ideas that breathe life into our campaigns. The biggest benefit for us, is in the customer relationship management, where they set up the automations so that we are following up with every lead and are converting more leads than ever before.


Andrej Kormondi - CEO of Goodboys

We have been working with Marian for our marketing needs and the experience was very good as the company helped us with several marketing projects. Icconet brings rich strategic expertise. They have created marketing strategies that help our company to be recognized. Their strategic knowledge helped us with business and market growth. Icconet has improved our brand visibility, engagement and conversion rates.


Ondrej Kmosena - CEO of Elektrobazeny s.r.o.

Effective communication and collaboration are the cornerstones of a successful partnership, and Icconet excels in both areas. The success of any marketing agency ultimately lies in the results it delivers. They constantly surprise us with new ideas that grab attention and resonate with our audience.


Patrik Kratochvil - CEO of Alaturka

We have been working with Icconet for couple of months now. We are very happy with their work because we achieved great results in a short time. What we value the most in this partnership, is the communication and transparancy guys from Icconet work with.